Sunday, April 26, 2009

Baby Update

Wednesday we had another doctor appt. and our big ultrasound. Its the one to determine that all the organs are developing properly and the plus is you can sometimes find out the sex...IF you want to. Well, Josh and I may be a little old-fashioned, but we want to wait until the delivery to find out. We think it will be so exciting to hear the words, "Its a Boy" or "Its a Girl!" So, we went in to our ultrasound and told them, we didn't want to know. Everything looked absolutely great! We saw all four chambers of the heart. She said all the other organs looked good as well. We didn't look went she checked out the legs. It was very tempting though! She said she could tell what it was, but didn't tell us. She didn't even write it on the chart, so the doctors can't slip up and accidently tell us later. At the time of the ultrasound, I was 18 weeks 1 day pregnant, but Thumper measured 19 weeks 1 day. There is a 10 day margin of error, but I'd rather be bigger than smaller. The average weight of an 18 week baby is 5 oz and Thumper was 9oz. The doctor said not to worry, we weren't on our way to a 10 pound baby! That was a relief! The heart rate was 151 and strong, which is great too.

Josh and I both really enjoyed seeing Thumper, he/she was moving allover the place. First on the back, then flipped to the belly. The ultrasound tech said, he/she is just dancing allover the place! I can handle a dancer! Either way, we decided, Thumper has Daddy's energy. I will try to scan and post the pics soon. We got a really cute one of the sweet baby feet! Its my favorite!

Josh leaves in 2 days for Liberia, please pray that he can get packed and prepared for his trip. Please continue to pray for both of us during this time. Pray that he has a safe and productive trip and that I'm not too emotional without him. God had blessed us with a wonderful marriage and friendship and that makes for a difficult separation when we are apart. We both know that it will make our marriage stronger and we are at peace with Josh going and me staying, but it is still bittersweet. We'll keep you posted on his status.


  1. Our doctor said he was really proud of us waiting to know the gender. He said that only 10% of people wait to know, but that for the 10% that do wait, there is a magic & excitement in the air of the delivery room that just isn't there when the parents already know what the gender of the baby is. Even though it's tempting, I'd recommend this route to everyone!

    Delayed Gratification = Increased Gratification!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that the baby looks healthy! We're praying for Josh as he prepares for his trip!

  3. It is so worth waiting to hear the words and even if they tell you, they are not always right. We had friends who were told 98% girl- -decorated and out came a boy. The dad had to go home while she was still at the hospital with their baby and replae all the pink with blue.
