Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back in America

Hello friends.
I know that many of you are anxiously awaiting me to make a post about Liberia, and all that I learned there. Trust me, it is coming. Right now though I have had to spend some down-time decompressing since I have been home.

My plane arrive Sunday evening, however yesterday (Tuesday) was the first day I turned my phone back on. It's taking me some time.

Also, I never once got sick while in Liberia, however since I have been home, I have been weak, tired, and not been feeling 100%. It seems that while Liberia tried to kill me with bumps, bugs, and rashes, it is coming back to America that made me sick. Haha! Go figure!

Today (Wednesday) I get back into the normal swing-of-things. I start back to work today, which will be difficult since I will have to get back to work on a tile project I left in limbo almost a month ago. I will probably spend a great deal of time asking myself, "now did I already do that...?"

Thank you so much for your prayers. There were many difficult times in Liberia, the 2nd poorest country in the entire world (Congo is the poorest); crime and corruption are everywhere. However, the bad times were greatly overcome by moments of pure joy and bliss; times when I would sit on a bench, surround by child orphans, who would just run their fingers through my hair or rub my arm or fall asleep in my lap. I have experienced countless surreal moments where I couldn't truly believe I was sitting in the Bush of West Africa at an orphanage that has nothing, feeling the presence of Jesus like you can hardly imagine.

I will tell you more soon.
Thank you friends.

josh robertson

ps - Here is one image to accompany the post. This was my life in Liberia.

1 comment:

  1. We're glad that you're home and can't wait to hear more about your trip! :-)

    My aunt and uncle are missionaries in India and my aunt has said that she always gets sick when returning to the US rather than in India. She says she thinks it's because all of the preservatives in our food--interesting. Anyway, glad you are starting to feel better. Hope you are back to 100% soon! :-)
