Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rough Night for me

Last night was very rough for me. I've been staying at my mom's since Josh left. I decided it would be best for me to come home and stay on the weekends. I'm closer to work from my house and Asher, our cat, likes to be outside. I won't let him out while we're at my mom's. So this way, I think, is a fair compromise. I get the weeks with my mom and Asher and he gets the weekends outside. So, last night was my first night at home without Josh. I'm so spoiled, I know. I just don't like being alone. I hear every noise and don't sleep well. Last night was not any different! I cried for a little while and then just went to sleep.

This morning, I was still sad, but I'm trying to be an adult. :) I got ready and headed to work. I wasn't very far in to my tearful trip and my phone rang. It was none other than my beloved Josh! We talked for a while. He said they found one of his bags, the smaller of the two, which has the tools and stuff he needs to build the picnic tables. Hopefully he will get them today or tomorrow. I'm not sure how they will get from the airport to the orphanage. He still won't have any clothes, hand sanitizer, soap or other meds, but he can get by without all that. Its preparing him for the back-packing trip he has shortly after he gets home!

Today they are going to the African Bible College; someone there has a shop with power tools! We all know Josh is thrilled about that! They are taking the hardwoods and cutting them to proper size for the picnic tables. Hopefully the bolts and nails will be there soon.

Josh has been helping Charlie pass out meds. He said they have a little room they are calling "Brooke's office" for now. They keep medications and supplies there. Papa Anthony said it is where I would've worked if I'd have been able to go. I thought that was so sweet! Josh has given Motrin to someone who felt warm, he thinks had a fever and Motrin to someone else with facial swelling and a toothache. Apparently, Josh has been learning from watching me take care of people. I thought it was so cute! The nurse coming out in my sweet husband!

I'll update more when I can! Thanks for following and praying! It means a lot to Josh and I both!


  1. I'm so sorry that you've been sad about Josh being gone, but I'm so glad you got to talk to him! It sounds like great things are happening there! We're thinking of and praying for both of you. :-)

    PS--In case you can't tell, the serious comments are from me and the "Josh is in Liberia" comments are from Brian. :-)
