Sunday, May 3, 2009

Luggage good and bad news

Josh called me today while at work. He said that BOTH of his bags were delivered. Unfortunately several items were stolen out of his bags before he received them. A laptop bag with software for Pastor Emmanuel, the director of LCMI in Liberia, was stolen. Josh's speed square was stolen as well. I tried to help him think of things that we packed, and he doesn't remember if he saw his underwear or soap or not. He does now have socks, hand sanitizer, medication, more clothes, bolts, nails and most other things. Praise God!

Yesterday was kind of eventful for them. Charlie, Pastor Emmanuel and Josh all went on a dirt bike, yes on one! They were heading to the Bible College and had to go through several road blocks. At one particular road block, the Liberian police refused to let them pass. Josh said Pastor Emmanuel refused to bribe the cop with money, which Josh supports his decision. They argued for about 25 minutes and Pastor Emmanuel told the man he refused to pay him off and that he was intoxicated. Josh said the policeman smelled of alcohol. The cop kept pointing to Josh and saying things Josh couldn't understand. Pastor Emmanuel and the policeman finally went in to his supervisor and they were able to pass. Josh said it has been a very eye-opening experience as to what they deal with on a daily basis. They are used to a some-what corrupt government and thieves; it is very sad.

Josh had to preach this morning, he had an interpreter to interpret him while preaching! He seemed to really enjoy the service. He told me that Nohn, one of the kids we sponsor, is one of the choir directors. He told me the children lead all songs for worship and it was beautiful. He called me after they had service and lunch. So far I don't think he's eaten anything too weird. He said last night after dinner one of the small children came up and asked if she could read to him. Josh said yes, so she sat in his lap and read The Bible to him. He said she could only read a little like the book, chapter and verse at the top. Then more children crowded around him and they would all read what they could. He said they sat there and read to him for over an hour! He told me there was nothing more beautiful than having children come up and ask if they could read to him. He got his NLT version out and they really enjoyed it.

He's reported a rash to me over the last few days, he said its turning into little boils. At first I thought it was a heat rash, but I'm not so sure now. Please pray for his health and continued safety.


  1. Brooke, your updates are's good to know specifically what we should pray for. You hang in's almost been a week already, right!? You are in my prayers as well!

  2. Josh is in Liberia! :-)

    Thanks for the updates Brooke, we will continue to pray for you and Josh!
