Tuesday, May 26, 2009

not MIA

No, we aren't Missing In Action...we've been so busy. Josh has been back in the States for a little over a week now and we are back in the full swing of things. Josh had a bible study on last Wednesday night and basketball on Monday. He's been trying to finish a bathroom remodel and should hopefully finish this week. Saturday Tim, Josh's dad, came down and I got off work a 5! I came home to find the two of them upstairs playing guitars and banjo. We rented and watched a movie later that night. It was good to see Tim, even if it was for a few short hours. I know they enjoyed their Sunday together.

Sunday night we went to a cookout at my dad's house. I was a little late, but didn't mind. The food was great! Cheeseburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, slaw, chips and dip, brownies, strawberry pie, cake, and vanilla and strawberry home made ice cream! It was so good. I ate more than my fair share. We stayed until about 10 o'clock that night. Josh was showing pictures and videos of his time in Liberia. Most everyone seemed to be intrigued by his time there. Yesterday Josh decided to go ahead and work, trying to finish this project. I went to my mom's for the day. We didn't do much at all, but eat and hang out. I took a nap there and another one when I got home.

Josh and I watched a movie last night and stayed up until 1 am. It was at this time we realized our downstairs a/c unit was NOT working! We had realized on Saturday night the upstairs unit wasn't working. I am so frustrated! So, at 1 o'clock this morning Josh is in the garage getting the window unit down and putting it in our bedroom window. It worked and we both slept well. I'm not sure what we are going to do about either unit. I know the upstairs one needs to be replaced or charged.

We are trying to decide what to do about the rest of this week. My grandfather is in Selma (near Raleigh) visiting my great-grandma until Monday. I haven't seen either one of them since Thanksgiving. My grandma is celebrating her 97th birthday this week! I want to go and visit, but don't really want to drive there and back by myself. Josh is hoping to finish the project and us go on Thursday. He is supposed to go on a camping and canoeing trip this weekend, leaving Friday so we are very limited with our open days. We have both decided we need a vacation! He hasn't been home 2 weeks and we are already back to our busy busy schedules!

Thanks again to all who supported and encouraged us with prayers during Josh's trip! We would love to have a big gathering to invite everyone over and share his pictures and stories...we are hoping to pick a date soon.

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