Thursday, April 23, 2009

My time is running out...

Last minute preparations are now underway for my departure to Liberia, just 5 days away now. As tends to happen with everything else I do in life, I have over-committed myself, and am now forced to now scratch some things off my "to-do" list.

I have been very busy with Graybrooke projects, which is a great thing!
In the past month, Graybrooke constructeded a 200 square foot deck nine feet off the ground (at the highest point), and have started work on a bathroom project in Huntersville. It is looking like the bathroom project will have a 3-week lapse, because we are behind schedule on it. Because of the timing of my trip, I have also had to turn down a $17,000 project because I will be gone, and the homeowner couldn't wait for me to return. I pray Graybrooke will still be busy with projects when I return.

I completed my classwork for my contractors exam a few weeks ago, but since I haven't had any time to study for the big exam, I had to also put that off until I return from Liberia. With my bad memory, I hope I'm able to remember all that I need to for the exam, now over a month away.

Some of you remember that when I was leaving for France when I was in college, I packed my bags the morning of departure. I am hoping (planning) that I don't do that again this time. There are way too many odd items that I need to acquire that I need to take with me to Liberia (manual tools, bolts & hardware, money belt, etc.). I also have to prepare to preach a few of times while in the country....and I haven't preached in years!

Lots of things going on.
Trying to determine what HAS to happen, and what can WAIT until my return.

- josh

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